Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Vacation in the South Island

We hit up all the top spots in the South Island over the holiday break.  Every getaway away from my daily life in New Zealand helps to remind me that it is a beautiful country with some amazing natural wonders.  Even for me it was hard to complain at times - although when I did find people that also liked to complain about the day to day life in New Zealand, I jumped at the chance to join in and point out aspects they may have missed.

Going to break down the trip in sections because I want to get in as many photos as possible with out it being too confusing.  I have to hand it to Lucas, he planned out this whole trip and did an amazing job organizing the buses, airplanes, a car rental, hostel, campground, and everything else.
Wellington --> Milford Sound 
We flew into Invecargill, the southern most city in New Zealand and for some reason I was really struck that Invecargill, a town I spent a totally of 10mins in, was the most South I would probably be in my lifetime.  From Invecargill we hopped on a bus that took us to Milford Sounds.  We stayed here just one night, long enough to take in the scenery, set up camp, and eat a big breakfast in the morning before heading to the Routeburn Track.
Leaving the plane in Ivercargill

Trader Joe's snacks thanks to my mom!

The Kea! The only alpine parrot. Super smart birds that can unzip your back pack, open doors, and love tear at anything made of rubber

Rock face near Homer Tunnel

Milford Sound

Milford Sound

Campsite #2

Big Breakfast!

Map of the Milford area
Milford --> Routeburn Track
The next day we hopped on a bus to the beginning of the Routeburn track which is one of New Zealand's great walks.  I wasn't at all prepared for this hike (or tramp as they call it here) and 70% of me was glad I wasn't and the other 30% wishes I was.  If I had know what I was in for, I would have stressed out the days leading up to the start wondering how physically awful it would be.   The first 2 days were pretty much all up hill with hiking ranging to 5 1/2 - 7 hours. On day two, I received a blessing from above when Lucas (who loves to climb to the top of things) didn't want to do the extra hike to Conical Submit which would have added another 1-2 hours to our day.  The third day we had a shorter hike but it rained hard and we were soaked to the bone by the end.
The highlights - the views were breathtaking, we met some great people, learned to play gin, and made some great camping meals. I also like that when hiking/camping you appreciate the little things more like: walking with out a heavy pack on, the sound of water falls, snacks, nap time, wearing sandals, peoples voices in the distances, sleeping in a hut when its raining outside, and realizing you're not missing your tv and internet
Getting ready to start!

One of many waterfalls

Top of Key Submit

Earland Falls

Mackenzie Lake Hut

Lake Mackenzie

Walking up hill

More up hill

Snack break at the Harris Saddle shelter

Lake Harris

Downhill time!

Made it to the Routeburn Flats Hut

Routeburn Flats Hut

Not to sound like an idiot but I loved the covered patio at this hut 

You can't tell but its pouring rain here

Finished!!! Soaking wet but made it in record time to the shelter at the end of the track
Routeburn --> Queenstown
Next stop was Queenstown where we stayed at the rowdiest party hostel in town, ate an amazing burger, and Lucas went bungee jumping.
Queenstown is an interesting mix of rich travelers, outdoor hippies, and adrenaline junkies. The town is seemingly built solely for tourism. Any adrenaline thing you can think of, its done here. From bungee jumping to heli biking (I have no idea what that means) and luge zip lining. Even though I didn't partake in any of this stuff I enjoyed watching lucas do his bungee jump and I really loved Queenstown.
Christmas eve at our hostel was a non stop party so we thought Christmas day would be the same.  I vowed Christmas morning to get as drunk as possible and party the day away.  Unfortunately for me, partying goes on Christmas eve since Queenstown is dry Christmas day.  It was hard to keep the party going when it was just the two of us and no one was really selling alcohol which in turn meant no one else was really drinking.  We did our best and had a pretty good time walking around and getting drunk on junk food.

Getting ready for his first jump


Amazing $20 burger that fed both of us - complete with beets, bacon, and egg

Just punching a moa

Queenstown - Lake Wakatipu

Just punching a kiwi

Everything was closed but this hot tub was open!

$2 hair straightener at the hostel

Old timey steam ship old timey pollution

Duck Dictator


Queenstown --> Dunedin
We didn't do to much in Dunedin and took this time to vegge out.  I loved it here purely on the fact that 1. We were lucky enough to see several penguins in Moeraki (a town north of Dunedin), 2. ate some awesome Japanese food, 3. we were hosted by a wonderful family that was beyond generous and introduced us to Vogel's bread.

Memorial to the people who discovered gold in the South Island

Spaghetti at last!

Moeraki Boulders

Moeraki Boulders

Moeraki Boulders

Fur Seal Cuteness

Katiki Point

Moeraki Boulders

Katiki Point

Yellow eyed penguin

Katiki Point

Katiki Point

Katiki Point

Katiki point


Dunedin Train Station

Settlers Museum

Royal Albatross Center


Creepy exhibit at the Dunedin museum

Heading back to Wellington

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