Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Guy Fawkes Night - November 5th

The Guy Fawkes's persona has evolved so much over time.  He started off as some kind of religious terrorist who tried to blow parliament in order to get rid of a protestant king and over time has (at least for some people) developed into a symbol for revolution.  I asked many people here in New Zealand what they thought Guy Fawkes Night meant to them and the answers were split.  The holiday is either celebrated because the gun powder plot of 1605 failed and the king's life was spared or that Guy Fawkes is a guy who stood up to the monarchy (which he really didn't). 

What it really means now:  a night to blow up some gun powder, make effigies, and set off fireworks.  Lucas and I rented a kayak and paddled to center of Wellington Harbor with the Yakity Yak Kayak Club for a great view of the city's fireworks show.






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